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As much as I agree with your assessment of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and, like you, call for consistent political and military support for Ukraine, I must vehemently disagree with your statements on Israel. In this context, your accusation of genocide is nothing more than the unreflected multiplication of the hate propaganda of the terrorist organisation Hamas and the disinformation by a whole series of rogue states, including Russia, and their metastases at the United Nations.

Yes, Israel must be criticised for its settlement policy in the occupied West Bank. And the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, with which Israel is trying to rid itself and the Palestinians of this terrorist organisation, is too rigorous in many respects. There is no question that war crimes are inevitably being committed. But the majority of civilian casualties are caused by Hamas, because it abuses people as living shields and virtually stages and hypes up alleged massacres by Israel. Anyone who does not recognise this is blind.

Israel has never intended to annihilate the Palestinians. Military action by the Israelis has only ever taken place when they have been attacked by Palestinian terrorists. The Netanyahu regime is the result. If this were not constantly the case, Israel would have a different government and the Palestinians could have had their own state long ago. But unfortunately there are fanatical forces in the Middle East that want to prevent a peaceful solution by all means. The accusation of genocide against Israel is absurd. But the accusation of constant genocide by Israel's enemies is obvious.

The accusation of apartheid is equally absurd. Arab Israelis enjoy the same civil rights in Isarael as their Jewish fellow citizens. They are represented in the Knesset and serve, even in the highest ranks, in the Israeli army. And in Israel you can demonstrate against the government and the war. In which of the anti-Israel rogue states is this possible with impunity?

So, dear Colombe Cahe-Salvador, put an end to this nonsensical Israel bashing by your pompous Atlas Club! You are only making yourself untrustworthy and showing the world that you are unsuitable for the office of UN Secretary-General.

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